Is being ecological a privilege? A person reflection

Wednesday, 15 January 2025 Banbury, UK

For many months have been thinking why most people don't make more effort when it come to : Eat and shop locally, reduce unnecessary buy, reduce plastic consumption, eat organic, swap products for eco-friendly alternative? 
Why its seems that only a few are making all the necessary changes for a better future? Why the high majority of the population just don't give a shi*?
Then I realised why many group of people or at least a portion of the population are not making the necessary changes.

Here we are I am a 40+ somethings, full time working for anamazing company, my husband is a video editor freelance and he has work as much as he wish to managing his own time, We are home owner, have an organic plastic free vegs box every week being delivered, we buy from local farms and all our cleaning products or skincare items are eco-friendly and we love car boot sale shopping and charity shop shopping (we avoid as much as we can to buy new) . We live a very comfortable life we are able to do whatever we want whenever we want. We do not have any financial worry.  "Marie why are you picturing your middle class life in our face ? " Because clearly I am a privilege twat which lead me to be an eco-friendly warrior privilege twat. 
Unfortunately Britain have over 4 Millions peoples living in deep poverty and the number keep rising and rising every year . On top of that how many family that leave with a minimum wages and can just about fed, clothed and have a roof over their head? That's couple more millions to add to the pot . How many single women with one, two or more children getting no support, working long hours for peanut?  How many of them? How many of those women with exhausting mental charges? I do not have  numbers and the question is not to get the right numbers the question is why being an eco-friendly in your home is at 100% a privilege. I can ensure you that Kate a single mother of two working at her local store earning a minimum wage, that all she worry about is piking up the kids to school, dentist appointments, kids homework, housework ,put food on the table, paying the rent, the gas, feeding and taking the dog  for a walk etc. she most likely don't give a damn sh*t about ecology when she has no time and perhaps also not the money to buy a bamboo toothbrush at £4 when she easily can get a pack of 4 plastic toothbrushes for 50p. 
Here you have it being an eco-friendly warrior it is in most case a privilege. I don't blame Kate to just be about to support her family and not giving a shit about environment no I do not blame her. I blame our politicians and i blame companies that are 70% the cause of pollution in teh entire world. I blamed them. I blame low wages where statically people working harder , longer and for less money than 50 years ago, I blame companies to create job that are so low paid that people need to work 2 or 3 jobs to just go by . I blame the politicians that are not making a stop on this that are not making companies paying a fair wages to they hard workers I blame them. The blame is not us the blame is politicians and huge companies that are making profits so sickening big that it never been seen before and politicians are protecting them.

The day humanity will understand that to fight the ecological nigh mare its to start with the politicians and the huge billions pound profit companies that are eating us and the planet alive the day we understand the change need to come from them then it would be the day that Kate the single mum of 2 which now earn a fair wages , can afford support since the radical change of politic  andcan now think of replacing her plastic toothbrush with a bamboo biodegradable one.
The change come from us too, stop voting for clown that only see their political career as a profit for themself and their multi milionaire riends, vote for the green parties vote for  parties that will make an ecoligical changes. Its simple as that. 

Also, I would like to apologize to any person out there if I made them feel insecure by sharing my privileged position. My intention isn't to make anyone feel guilty or inadequate, but rather to highlight how systemic changes are needed to make eco-friendly choices accessible to everyone. Environmental consciousness shouldn't be a luxury – it should be a right supported by fair wages, affordable sustainable options, and policies that put both people and planet first.

What are your views on this ? Please let me know by commenting below. 

Thanks for reading.


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